Sunday, September 29, 2024

 OWF (One Word Film) Post:

    My partner and I were assigned a word and with that word, we had to brainstorm and plan out a story that could take place in 1-1:30 minutes that illustrated our word. The catch was that the story had to have no dialogue, so the word had to be conveyed with purely visuals and added sounds. We both also had to edit separately and create different films to submit individually.

(a demonstration of our brainstorming and planning)

    In our brainstorming, we focused on the individual shots we needed to convey the story and scenes we already thought of. We knew what the main subject and points of our story were going to be, we just had to think and visualize how to incorporate the editing and shot techniques we learned about in class. The storyboard paper was extremely useful as a rough draft for the camera angles and shots that would help best convey the central idea of the film. After writing, planning, and shooting all the clips and scenes needed, I put all the clips (good and bad) into Premier Pro to start the editing process. In the editing process, I carefully chose the best clips and cut them down to fit in the timeframe given.

    When analyzing the film, I can see that my best parts were, the action cuts, the eyeline match, and the added sounds to the action part. What I would like to improve next time would be to make the film more visually pleasing. The end product of the film came out slightly distorted, and I think that comes from it being my first time using Premier to edit.

Link to project:

Group Meeting in Class 3/12

      Today marks the day that we are less than 2 weeks out from the final submission of our projects, and today to get ideas, tips, and con...