Sound Project or Soundscape
One of the main ideas that we learned in class was foley, and how sounds for media can be made by using clever items and materials to mimic what the things on screen would sound like. In addition to this, we also learned about all the types of techniques with sound like synchronous sound, asynchronous sound, diegetic, nondiegetic, leitmotif, voiceovers, and many others.
Using this information, we were assigned a project to do with sound. We were instructed to create a story that could feasibly take place in 1-2 minutes and to demonstrate this story using only sound, no more than 7 words and 4 foley sounds that we created. My partner and I had a difficult time at the beginning of the project, first, we wanted to create a story about a student being late to school and racing against the clock, but that was too boring and repetitive. So our next idea was to make the story about a baseball game, but we didn't feel as if there were enough sounds to create a project that would suffice the rubric. Then finally we landed on the idea of making the story about an earthquake in a city, which checked all of our boxes. The way we planned for this project was by making an outline which was like a list of all the scenes and all the sounds featured in each scene. With this, we were able to break up the project load, and inturn make it simpler to tackle. Once the outline was finished, and the sounds were all downloaded, we started to edit them together using Premier Pro.
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