Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mise-en-scene and Set

     Through my group and I's discussions and conversations regarding our project, any ideas, critiques with given ideas, inspirations, etc. we have come to the conclusion that our two main sets are going to be a bar and a forest, the "forest" that we are planning to film at is less of a forest and more of a nature walkway with a river that is outlooking the Florida Everglades. We landed on this as our final option because the forest at night is very primitively eerie, and has an offsetting vibe. In addition to this, the implication of dolls as commonly feared symbols of horror. Our location will resemble the picture below. 

    As for the bar, it will be the first scene as the main character gets introduced to the audience, the bar is going to somewhat resemble the color of the forest at night (dark tones of black and brown). This paired with the drinks in the background will help us to set similar moods throughout the opening for the audience,

    Moreover, as stated before, our main character will be introduced to the audience as dressed in business casual attire and painted as an aspiring business man who is getting his education. He just got off of his summer internship at a big firm and copes with his stress by "letting off steam" and drinking.

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