Sunday, February 9, 2025

Study of another blog

 Study of Another Blog

    The blog from the list that I chose to study is I chose it because it is much more human and personal than any of my blogs have been. You can tell that this person genuinely enjoys to create these blogs as a form of expressing themselves (not that I don't like it, just that they really like it), evidence of this would be the fact that this person continued to post updates of their life even after they completed this course and graduated.

    The overall contents of the research were definitely more in depth than mine, but not by such a severe margin. The main difference is the analyzation and intertwining that with their own personal decisions. By doing this you better understand and display what is needed from your particular genre, so that your project piece can be improved.

What I will improve on because of this: by reading and dissecting this blog I will try to implement more human and personal language to connect with whoever is reading, whilst still maintaining proper expression and a formal tone. I think this will make my blogs much more entertaining for me to write which will have a domino effect and boost the level of depth that these blogs go into.

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