My group and I continued our filming from where we last left off which was the outside scenes. When we were reviewing our footage of the outside scenes we didn't feel as though they were up to par. Because of this, we decided to film another day and dedicate it solely to filming the outside scene after the bar again. In addition to just filming, we changed a few things to make the setting and story fit in more with what we were trying to portray, and a horror movie. For example: one thing we changed was that instead of filming the scene of the main character drunkenly walking into the street next to houses, we went further into my neighborhood and filmed it on a street that led to the main road where there were also cars passing, adding to the realism. Also, the change in location was helpful because another knock we had on the previous takes was that it was too dark, and in the new location the lighting is much better, whilst also still maintaining the dimly lit, eerie, and dark vibe that is a characteristic of horror movies.
BTS of second day filming outside
This video that is linked shows Arthur as he is filming me acting out the scene of the main character drunkenly wandering. But this isn't the take that we are going to use as we weren't convinced about the acting part and felt as though the trip was unrealistic, so we took another take and we were more pleased as a group all together.
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