Friday, February 28, 2025

Production Post

     Shooting the Bar Scene Inside 

    The linked video demonstrates my group and I as we are inside of my house in the bar filming and planning on of our shots. The Bar scene is the first scene of our opening and is what sets the tone for the coloring and things of that nature, therefore a lot of trial and error went into getting the final result we deemed as sufficient. As there were struggles with finding the right angle to show enough of the bar so that the setting is set, but not so much that the audience can see the it isn't a full sized bar. Furthermore, what I really liked was that my concept changed of what I wanted the vision of the opening to be as my group gave me more ideas and shared what they saw, and vise versa. Because as we work together we can use the brain power of 3 people, rather than 1, to decide which shots, ideas, and choices best fit the end goal of the opening.
    This first opportunity to shoot showed me how easy and fun it will be to continue, as the bar scene is just the beginning 30-40 seconds of the entire 2 minute film. I am looking forward to continuing to film much more than I thought I would.

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