Saturday, March 1, 2025

Production Post

 The second part of filming day 1 (outside)

    The second part of our day 1 of filming was the process of trying to perfectly capture the scene of the main character drunkenly stumbling around while walking outside at night as he is trying to reach his home. This part of the filming process came with much more complications than the expected, and than the inside part of filming. For one, my dog could not stop barking at my group members, so I had to put him inside. And sprinklers were going off which slightly ruined the sound that was recorded with the video. Lastly, the overall look of the footage was not up to the par that we wanted, as the filming was too dark and the setting didn't perfectly represent what we wanted for the opening.

(Image of Arthur getting camera ready for outside shot)

    The link above shows the behind the scenes of Arthur filming me as we try to get on of our shots for the outside scene, but after reviewing all the footage and speaking to each other in class, we came to the conclusion as a group that all of the footage is too dark and we are going to need to refilm all of it, changing up the lighting and shots a little bit, and also shooting it a little bit further down the street where there is more light posts and less houses. 

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