Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting in Class 3/12

     Today marks the day that we are less than 2 weeks out from the final submission of our projects, and today to get ideas, tips, and constructive feedback on our blogs, projects, and CCR's our teacher put us into random groups of 5-6. In these groups we were instructed to share all about our projects and to receive and give opinions. The picture that is included below shows my group and I, The students names Max (me), Arthur (in my group), Robert, Miranda, and Daniela.


Through our group discussions, each of us presented our ideas and what we have made for our projects respectfully. By chance, I got someone in my group and I am also working with for the final project, because of this we were able to both spill our brains onto the group and receive twice as much feedback. The opinions that we did receive after demonstrating our projects were mostly positive, but there were things that people suggested we change or work on. For example, in the credit sequence we didn't use full names and that was a mistake on our end, so when my group and I get the chance, we will change this to add full first and last name.

    Moreover, some of the constructive criticism that I gave for other people in my group was that Daniela had what I thought was too long and too repetitive of shots where her character was blowing out a candle in slow motion, I suggested to her that she should either take out one of the shots, or take it out of slow motion. Another suggestion I gave was to Robert, and I told him that he should take into consideration the fact that the movie opening should be indicative of the fact that there is more movie to come, and should feel like it is just the beginning. I told him this because he didn't grasp this concept and I don't think he was taking it into consideration when working on his project, but after I told him this, he agreed with me and is now going to slightly alter his story and filming so that it feels like there is more to come.

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