CCR Question #3:
How did your production skills develop throughout this project? Tips for this question (given by teacher)
-Reflect on your progress throughout the production
-Discuss how you begin with research and planning, and offer specific details about both of these processes
-Discuss your approach to production. What did you have to change or adapt as you worked on the project?
- End with a reflection on where you started and where you ended. You may also discuss previous projects completed in class and how they helped you to develop you portfolio project
In the beginning of this production I had previously worked on much smaller projects regarding this class and a much more entry level film class in middle school, but none of these projects had made me truly push myself and try to creatively develop something quite like this. For this project my groupmates and I had to truly try and use 100% of our brain capacity to figure out how to tackle this challenge. And because of that, I grew an exponential amount in everything that relates to film and media. Firstly, I grew in terms of researching and dissecting content as I had to do a lot and a lot of research for all the blog posts that I needed to create. To begin this research I would simply just look up whatever it was that needed to learn and through that I would cycle through websites opting to mostly take information from trusted websites that ended with either .edu or .gov, and if there was nothing for the topic I was looking for that ended with either I would use my better judgement.
Secondly I grew in planning, as for the majority of the blog posts that we were instructed to create, they revolved around planning, so not only did my planning skill increase but I realized the value that planning carries, especially when handling a big project like this one. As for the planning for the project, I really just began with brainstorming ideas with my groupmates that fit into the horror categories that we were aiming for, and once we landed on the idea we deemed good, I created a storyboard and my groupmate created the script and of course we all oversaw and helped each other with these tasks. Thirdly, I grew a greater sense of adaptability, as through the journey of this project many adaptations had to be implemented to go around all the roadblocks. For example, during our original idea we planned to film the first few scenes of the film in town center at a bar, but we could not find something that looked like what we planned so we decided to film the bar scene from the small bar I have in my house and alter the lighting and props of the bar to reflect what we envisioned.
Secondly I grew in planning, as for the majority of the blog posts that we were instructed to create, they revolved around planning, so not only did my planning skill increase but I realized the value that planning carries, especially when handling a big project like this one. As for the planning for the project, I really just began with brainstorming ideas with my groupmates that fit into the horror categories that we were aiming for, and once we landed on the idea we deemed good, I created a storyboard and my groupmate created the script and of course we all oversaw and helped each other with these tasks. Thirdly, I grew a greater sense of adaptability, as through the journey of this project many adaptations had to be implemented to go around all the roadblocks. For example, during our original idea we planned to film the first few scenes of the film in town center at a bar, but we could not find something that looked like what we planned so we decided to film the bar scene from the small bar I have in my house and alter the lighting and props of the bar to reflect what we envisioned.
The previous projects that I completed for this class all helped me with little bits and pieces like creating an only audio piece, or creating a film with no words that only developed a plot through shots and acting, that accumulate to give me the experience I need to be able to do my best in this project.
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